Monday, February 22, 2016

Make it Clear...

My awesome husband spotted this and we wanted to pass it along...

Take a minute to read. This is what punk rock is truly fucking about. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

$5 Buck Chicken Alfredo Recipe

Let's make it known right now, that I pretty much live at my local dollar store. And have for quite a few years. Seriously, I have been known to show co-shoppers where shit is. I could work there... but, I don't want too. That being said, I also know how to score some pretty awesome deals, and feel my family a damn good dinner for about $5.00. I'd like to show you guys and gals how to do the same. Because beer is awesome, but food rocks too. And at some point, we all gotta eat. But, when you're broke, that can be hard to accomplish. 

So, here's a good one to get you started in the kitchen (yah, you have one, it's the place where you keep your beer cold...), $5 Buck Chicken Alfredo.

Shit You Need: 

Any Box of Pasta, whatever's cheapest will work fine ($1.00)
Jar of Alfredo Sauce ($1.00)
Can of Chicken ($2.25)
Optional: Frozen Broccoli (.88 on sale at the grocery store)
**Other optional things that will doctor the food up for you: butter, salt, pepper & garlic powder (all can be grabbed by the corn dog section of your local gas station. Except for the garlic, but you can find that at the dollar store too)

How to Make the Shit: 
Boil Water

Put Noodles in Water

Toss the Chicken in a Pan

Put the Sauce and Broccoli in with Chicken
Cook Slow to Let Broccoli to Get Soft

Taste Test Noodles to However You Like 'Em
When They're Done, Drain 'Em
(Usually Done in About 7-9 min.)

Mix All Together & Devour
Pasta Makes a Lot of Food